
How to unblock free caricature maker?

The FREE Caricature Maker is free for users like you because it is sponsored by advertisers.
If the caricature maker doesn’t open and you see the message with the blocked screen, it seems that your web browser has the ads blocking settings turned on, which is preventing the ads to appear on the page.

How to unblock it?

Google Chrome users:

click on the LOCK icon next to the website address, then on SITE SETTINGS, find ADS setting and set it to ALLOW.

If you also have an additional ad-blocking Chrome extension, please pause it for as well.

FIREFOX or Edge users

Probably, you have Ad-blocking extension installed , that can be found on the browser top toolbar. Please find the extension on the browser tools panel and pause it for this website.

After deactivating your browser ads-blocker for, please refresh your browser, and hopefully, the blocking screen should disappear.

DIdn’t succeed with the unblocking?

If it still didn’t help, the solution is to register and to log in as a free user

  1. Please register on our website as a free user
  2. Log in
  3. Open the free caricature maker again

This will ensure that the locking screen will disappear or can become dismissible.

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